Are You Falling Behind on Resolutions in February?
One of the best things about ringing in the new year is the fact that it’s a brand new year. It’s as close to a fresh start as many people get in their life, and [...]
One of the best things about ringing in the new year is the fact that it’s a brand new year. It’s as close to a fresh start as many people get in their life, and [...]
You are what you eat. You reap what you sow. What you give is what you get. Chances are, you’ve probably heard one of these phrases used before to explain that the attitude with which [...]
Sobriety can be a bear sometimes. It’s easy to let yourself get caught up in stress, and before you know it, you’re itching for a hit or a drink again. It doesn’t help that stress, [...]
One of the most common ways some recovering addicts cope with cravings for drug or alcohol is to eat something, whether just a snack or a full meal, to distract themselves. While this in itself [...]
You did something dumb once. Maybe more than once. Maybe you’ve done more dumb things than you can count. It could be something big and dumb, or small and dumb. Dumb is dumb, and when [...]
When you take care of yourself, you feel at your best. This means taking care of your body, taking care of your mind and taking care of what makes you you. The better you feel, [...]
When we struggle with addiction, we often lie outright to the people around us. Whether it’s occasionally, daily or if every word out of our mouth is untrue, it has a massive ripple effect through [...]
Our family, friends and coworkers often suffer when we battle addiction. They see it’s effects on us every day, and they feel our hurtful words, see the actions we often later regret. Forgiveness isn’t just [...]
One of the most important things when it comes to addiction treatment is learning to recognize, avoid or overcome triggers that might put you at risk for relapse. A trigger is any situation, person, thing [...]
Inner peace is usually what we strive for when we do just about anything, whether we realize what we’re looking for or not. Some of our most creative or our most destructive behaviors manifest when [...]