

Understanding Enabling Behaviors

It is hard to watch someone you love go through addiction. That addict may come up to you and feel like they will die if they do not get their hands on drugs or alcohol. You need to remember that enabling an addiction is not helping an addict but only making the addiction grow worse. Enabling is when you do [...]

Best Morning Routines for Recovery

Being in recovery is a day-by-day work in progress that has good days and bad days. You should always wake up every morning looking forward to what the day may bring. Here are some morning routines you should stick to during your recovery to bring energy and happiness to last you through the day. Your normal morning routine before becoming [...]

Naloxone- An Opioid Antagonist

There is currently an ongoing opioid epidemic occurring in the U.S with deaths increasing every day. Overdoses can be very dangerous to your body as you experience small pupils, trouble breathing, fainting, cannot respond, trouble sleeping, and a slow heartbeat. Luckily, Naloxone can act as an opioid antagonist whenever an overdose occurs but should not be used as treatment for [...]

Breaking Away From Denial After Loss

Death can be very hard to process when it involves someone you love. Instead of confronting tragedy, some want to pretend it did not happen and live in denial to avoid having depression, anxiety, or insomnia. The death of a loved one cannot be ignored as we need to accept the present reality but still keep the memories of our [...]

Is Connectivity a “Bad Thing” in Rehab?

Being hyper connected is not necessarily a bad thing, until it becomes a problem. Forward-thinking recovery programs are looking at ways to structure rehab settings in a way that support people’s growth and healing, but being connected to the outside world may be one thing that, if changed, can help people grow in recovery rather than be detrimental. Therapeutic Benefits [...]

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