The Reason We Binge Eat in the Evening
Binge eating is when you are uncontrollably eating until you are too sick to keep at it. It can be because you are so stressed throughout the day that you decide to have a late [...]
Binge eating is when you are uncontrollably eating until you are too sick to keep at it. It can be because you are so stressed throughout the day that you decide to have a late [...]
There is still a stigma towards anxiety. People can be ashamed to talk about having anxiety because they may find it a sign of weakness or feel like people will find this too common a [...]
Heroin is one of the most destructive drugs in existence, and it’s truly no surprise that it’s one of the most commonly used drugs as well. Heroin has a reputation for being a one hit [...]
Our family, while they normally support us and love us unconditionally, can be as equally toxic as any negative friend or former friend. When a person struggles with drug and alcohol addiction, it’s unfortunately very [...]
As effective as treatment for drug or alcohol addiction has become in more recent years, there is still no absolute cure for addiction. A large portion of people who struggle with addiction will relapse, some [...]
When you’re in treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol, you’re probably going to hear a lot about the importance of developing good habits and staying healthy. One thing that is commonly suggested is that [...]
Many people find that they are their own worst critic, and while being mindful of your flaws or your mistakes is important, we tend to come down on ourselves extremely hard, more than we would [...]
Cravings are something a large majority of addicts will have to deal with, sometimes even decades after they get clean. Cravings are strong, almost overwhelming urges to use drugs or alcohol again, and at times, [...]
Addiction’s impact extends far beyond the immediate impacts to your life and health. Even though you’re the one who’s struggling with alcoholism, or an addiction to drugs, the people around you are heavily affected by [...]
Whether you left an addiction treatment program a week ago or a decade ago, chances are by now you’ve experienced both the good days, where it feels like your life may be slowly coming back [...]