Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction
With so many prescription drugs available that can have huge impacts on the human body, it can be heard to keep track of them all and their potential dangers. The signs and symptoms of abuse [...]
With so many prescription drugs available that can have huge impacts on the human body, it can be heard to keep track of them all and their potential dangers. The signs and symptoms of abuse [...]
Heroin has been an ongoing addiction problem in the United States for decades. Heroin comes from morphine, which is naturally found in the opium poppy. It can be injected, smoked or ingested through snorting. Injection [...]
There are two general categories of addiction treatment: inpatient and outpatient. Outpatient treatment generally involves daily to weekly meetings with therapists, addiction counselors and often includes involvement in a twelve step program. There are many [...]
There are several different programs and plans available to treat drug or alcohol abuse and addiction, anything from traditional, to holistic or even specialized programs that focus exclusively on an activity, like horse training riding. [...]
One of the most common reasons we give people, especially young adults and teenagers, to avoid using marijuana in any way is that it is a gateway drug that leads people to try out harder [...]
Men and women alike often find themselves facing a battle with drug or alcohol addiction. While they may show many of the same behaviors or make similar choices, there are actually several differences between how [...]
Alcoholism can have a major, lasting impact on how your brain and body works, which causes changes that impact your emotional and physical well-beings and how you behave. Recovering from the affects of alcoholism is [...]
When you’re in recovery following an addiction to drugs or alcohol, in order to move forward with your life in a honest, healthy way, you have to learn to let go of your past. All [...]
The past can haunt us. Mistakes, choices we wish we hadn’t made, our actions and the things we said are all examples of things from the past that can keep a person up at night. [...]
Addiction is a disease that can leave an incredible amount of pain and destruction in its wake. Families are torn apart, friendships shattered, and marriages crumble. There’s no shortage of stories from former addicts about [...]