Learning to Say No to a Loved One
It can be hard to say no to someone you love when you have had a habit of always saying yes. A lot of addicts will go to their loved ones and constantly ask requests for things like money, their car, to get bailed out of jail, etc. Saying no may seem like the worst thing you can say to [...]
What is the Role of Denial in Sex Addiction?
For people with sex addiction, it can be such a challenge to face up to the fact it is even happening. Perhaps it follows an arrest, being caught by a spouse, or making excuses for sexual behavior online, sex addiction can be difficult to overcome without first admitting the need for help, then seeking out help from family and friends. [...]
How to Move on From a Toxic Relationship
It can be hard to imagine your life without that person in it, even if it was a toxic relationship. You know who you are with that person but you do not know who you are without them. If you have been in a toxic relationship, you took the brave step in breaking away and now it is time to [...]
Does Relapse Happen to People with Exercise Addiction?
Stress can have a negative effect on recovery in the short and long term. It means different things to different people, which means stress may motivate some people where it may draw others’ energy down. Stress is the brain responding to any demand on the body. Sometimes stress is good but can be detrimental long term to overall physical and [...]
The Importance of Doing What You Love
We always feel compelled to pick the jobs that will make us the most money whether it is to become a doctor, lawyer, politician, CEO, etc. It is one thing if you are passionate about those careers and will be happy. Finding a job that will make you happy will motivate you to work harder and enjoy your life more. [...]
Why Do I Feel So Impatient in Recovery?
It can be a huge challenge to wait for the recovery to settle into your bones and finally make a modicum of sense. After being used to one way of being, now your body and mind are having to get used to another way of being and how to do things differently. Rather than sit in the feelings, you are [...]
Easy Ways to Maintain Nutrition All Day
Eating healthy everyday should be important to you. You should be getting a mix of carbs, proteins, healthy fats, grains, calcium, and other nutrients. Maintaining your nutrition does not mean that you have to make great sacrifices. Here are some tips of certain changes to make with your meals to ensure you are getting the right amount of nutrients. Start [...]
What Are Some Tips for Keeping Better Boundaries?
Relationship boundaries are the foundation of healthy relationships. Growing up in a family with addictive behaviors, a person can live in a family and struggle with boundaries. The good news is that relational boundaries can be shifted and adjusted with a bit of work. Purposes of Boundaries People hold boundaries in their lives because they serve an important purpose. They [...]
How Can I Get My Social Mojo Back and Stay Sober?
When you are actively in addiction, it feels sometimes easier to be social because you’re around others who are doing similar things and just engaged in doing this activity with people that makes them open up and talk more. Sometimes you drink because it makes it easier to be social and decreases inhibitions. Sometimes addictive behavior is hidden, which keeps [...]
How to Overcome Emotional Neglect
Physical abuse can be easy to detect if you notice a child with constant bruises on themselves. Emotional neglect, on the other hand, is not as noticeable as it is when your parents are not paying attention to you or your feelings for a number of reasons. It is important not to let the way we were treated as children [...]