

What’s the Difference Between Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates?

Knowing the difference between benzodiazepines and barbiturates is important in understanding how it affects the body and mind, while also understanding how to seek treatment for misuse. Learn more about how these prescription drugs can affect you and how to get help if dependence or addiction happen. Barbiturates A barbiturate is a central nervous system depressant (CNS) used for anything [...]

Why Farming May Offer Healing in Recovery

Farming is not something people think about as being healing. The truth is, gardening, harvesting, and working the land is an ancient practice that can be very rewarding and teach people lots about how to handle seasons of waiting, seasons of loss, and even seasons of working towards a long-range goal. Learn more about farming and how it may help [...]

There Are Myriad Benefits to Sharing Your Story: Here’s Just a Few

Storytelling has been around a long time. It is a way people can connect with one another, by learning from one another’s stories, including the trials and tribulations of being human. The storytelling movement is one way people share their genuine, authentic selves, which can have a great impact on people who are struggling with addiction and recovery. Find out [...]

What Can I Eat to Help My Liver in Recovery?

A healthy, functioning liver can lead to better overall health but also mentally helps your brain. The liver flushes out toxins in the bloodstream and protects the immune system from infection. Excessive alcohol drinking may drown out nutrients in the diet and interfere with the body’s digestion and flushing out processes. This can create toxin and fat build-up as well [...]

Is Coffee Really That Bad When I’m Sober?

Going online anyone can find information about the dangers of drinking too much coffee. There are dangers to excessive coffee drinking in recovery, as well. This includes the impact of caffeine on the brain and body and how coffee can change a person’s mood. Coffee and Recovery Coffee has been around a long time. Coffee can have great benefits including [...]

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