How to Stop Attention Seeking
Histrionic Personality Disorder is when you are constantly seeking attention and have an emotional overreaction. You have a tendency to over-dramatize situations which can ruin relationships and lead to depression. You could be embarrassing your friends when you sob uncontrollably over minor incidents or have temper tantrums. You could also be wearing clothes that purposefully attract attention. Remember that you [...]
What is the Role of Family During Treatment?
When a loved one enters treatment for substance abuse, many questions can arise when it comes to recovery. Addiction is not a solo sport, so many others are ultimately impacted. Addiction literally affects everyone. While recovery is a personal journey, successful sobriety is not possible without the support of everyone around them. What Families Need Families are often worried about [...]
Codependency: Who Takes Care of You?
It is always nice to care for and help someone whenever they need a helping hand. There are some people who spend time only helping others instead of helping themselves called codependency. Codependency is sacrificing your own personal needs to meet the needs of other, causing you to feel passive, shameful, insecure, and have low self-worth. Those with codependency should [...]
How Do I Connect to the Present When I Feel Disconnected?
When a person is caught up in addiction, it is easy to lose connection to friends, family, and yourself. It is also easy to lose connection to the present, because it feels uncomfortable and difficult to battle against those cravings that pop up in recovery. Returning to self-destructive behaviors of the past is not a great option. The only way [...]
Eva Marie on Alcoholism
People struggling with addiction are ashamed to tell people. Especially if you are famous, you want to maintain a perfect image for fans to have of you. Former WWE wrestler Eva Marie decided to come clean recently about her alcoholism in hopes that others would be confident to share their story as well. Eva Marie was a WWE wrestler from [...]
Can Rules Help Create Structure for People with Food Addiction?
A single rule typically exists for people in addiction treatment: stop. For people who struggle with addiction, it is one of the hardest things to do, if not the hardest, because all a person wants to do is gamble, drink, use drugs, or do anything else that is related to their addiction. To have certain rules and boundaries can help [...]
HBO’s Documentary “Warning: This Drug May Kill You
The United States is currently facing a deadly opioid crisis where people are prescribed painkillers to recover from surgery. 91 people a day are dying from opioid addiction which is more than car accidents and homicides. HBO’s short documentary “Warning: This Drug May Kill You” is about different families who were affected by drug addiction and just how dark addiction [...]
Will I Ever Be Able to Loosen Up in Recovery?
Having a positive attitude about sobriety can shift so many things in recovery. Perhaps a person will see things differently and not focus on the burden of it, but realize there is healing and comfort in the journey, as well. Learning to loosen up is not something that happens overnight. It takes time to warm up to the idea and [...]
Confronting a Family Member Who Steals From You
When someone is an addict, their mind is on drinking or drugs and they will do whatever it takes to get their hands on it---even if it means stealing from someone they love. Their difference of right and wrong is not there anymore because they feel that they cannot function without abusive substances. When a relative steals money from you [...]
What Are Some Tips to Live More Authentically in Sobriety?
Everyone wears mask at some point or another. Whether it is to work, with loved ones, or in front of an audience of people, everyone wears a mask because nobody can be all things to all people all the time. However, living an authentic life is learning to live with less apologies for being unique, and bringing those gifts to [...]