Can I Be Successful with Natural Remission?
There are many ways to look at entering into remission from addiction and remaining in recovery. Many don’t seek outside help for various reasons, including finances and even fear. Spontaneous or natural remission is when a person quits on their own and is able to recover without help from interventionists or professional staff well-versed in addiction and recovery. Natural Remission [...]
Why a Selfie Obsession Can Derail Your Recovery
The selfie craze is not just confined to younger people. It seems people of all ages have become obsessed with taking selfies. Many people who take selfies edit and perfect photos with filters, lighting, or Photoshop. People are even seeking plastic surgeons for imperfections that make them perfectly human, but not good enough in theirs (or others’) eyes online. This [...]
What Are the Risks and Dangers of Pramipexole?
Pramipexole is a medication marketed under the names Mirapex and Mirapex ER. Doctors use this medication for two conditions: Parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome (RLS). It helps to know the risks and side effects, as well as the capacity for triggering dangerous drug interactions. Medication Use Pramipexole belongs to class of substances called dopamine agonists. This means the medication [...]
Watch Out for These Risks of Over-Using Social Media
Social media is one of the easiest and most popular modes of connection, communication, and self-expression in today’s world. It allows people to connect with others from all over the world. Through social networks, people are able to figure out how to sell products, services, and support causes near to their hearts. It opens up possibilities, but also comes with [...]
What is OCD and is it a Mental Illness?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a type of anxiety disorder that affects both thoughts and behaviors. OCD can begin with requiring things to be neat and orderly, even perfectionistic, but it may also become a deeper issue which makes it hard to conduct activities of daily living. Symptoms of OCD OCD symptoms include a specific type of unwanted thoughts, calling [...]
Learn the Differences Between Grief and Depression
Often the term ‘depression’ is thrown around in conversation every day but many people do not know this term has many meanings. Some people are very loose about how they use the term and, when it comes to actual grief, there are clinical terms to use that categorize them as major illnesses, depending on the situation. Bereavement or grief is [...]
How Do I Set Boundaries in Recovery?
Sobriety does not come with a nice handbook on how to do it well. People with addiction struggle because it is an individual challenge that requires hard work and dedication. They are not used to setting boundaries, especially when those boundaries involve behaviors that have been reinforced for years. Learning how to set boundaries in recovery is a life skill [...]
The Little Known Benefits of Visiting a Hairdresser
Looking for a hairdresser can be a challenge, but there are other benefits people don’t think about when contemplating a visit to the salon. Perhaps a friend recommended it might be helpful to you in recovery to make you feel better. Maybe you were drawn to a sense of self-care that comes from going somewhere that makes you feel like [...]
What is Kindling and Why is it Dangerous?
Kindling is a condition that is not talked about as much as other issues people face in recovery. During treatment, many people suffer withdrawal symptoms like headaches and nausea, among other symptoms. Oftentimes, people try multiple times to get sober before it sticks. When people make multiple attempts at recovery, withdrawal symptoms may get worse each time. This is the [...]
Is Cynicism Dangerous in Sobriety?
A little bit of cynicism can be a good thing. It can keep you on the straight and narrow path, one where you are able to see things as they are, not as they should be. The challenge occurs when people become overly cynical about everything and find it hard to trust anyone else. The truth is we all need [...]