Almost everyone knows an individual that has an issue with alcohol or drugs, but many do not know what to do to get that person the help they desperately need. Fortunately, the staff at the Springboard Center does know how to help.
Almost everyone knows an individual that has an issue with alcohol or drugs, but many do not know what to do to get that person the help they desperately need. Fortunately, the staff at the Springboard Center does know how to help. The mission of the Springboard Center is to restore health and dignity to individuals and families by providing quality treatment and counseling for alcoholism and drug addictions to the residents of the Permian basin and beyond and to raise the level of community awareness concerning substance abuse.
This is done through scientifically proven treatment models including holistic remedies administered by a multi-disciplinary staff as well as outreach into the community. There is no “miracle cure” or “one size fits all” treatment to combat addictive disease. To this end, the staff at the Springboard Center treats each client on an individual basis to arrest the addictive disease that is currently ravaging their life. For most people this begins with a medical detoxification program to remove any mind altering chemicals from the
client’s body followed up by intense individual and group counseling. The staff at the Springboard center recognizes that for most people seeking treatment, outside influences are often the deciding factors in one seeking help. Family, friends, and other loved ones often see the need for treatment long before the person needing services recognizes this in themselves. The challenge of the staff is often how to turn these external motivators into internal motivation for the client Throughout the course of treatment, family involvement is very important to educate as well as prepare persons for the trials that will come with early recovery. This is done through a weekend family as well as individual family counseling sessions to help regain trust and repair damages done by the client’s addiction.
In short, if you or someone you know needs help in understanding or overcoming addictive disease, the Springboard Center can help. Group presentations on signs an symptoms of addiction are readily available and can be tailored to the group requesting those services. One only needs to contact the Springboard Center to begin the confidential screening process and start the journey of recovery.
For more information, please call (432) 620-0255.