When you make the decision to get help for addiction to drugs or alcohol, it’s one of the biggest choices you’ll make. It can be uplifting and freeing, knowing that you’ve made the decision to take charge of your life again, but in the same breath, it can be an overwhelming prospect, especially if you’re considering an inpatient treatment program or facility. The idea of setting aside your responsibilities at work and family can make you cringe inside. Guilt can be a powerful motivator, but it can also hold you back. The idea of leaving your family for any set time can be daunting, but what’s even worse is if you use this anxiety or feeling as an excuse to continue to avoid treatment. It’s drastically important that you accept that, and continue forward with your treatment plan, though it’s often easier said than done.
You may feel as if you’re being selfish by taking time to focus on treatment. If you’ve had to request time off at your job, this feeling may be even stronger, especially if you’re the main source of income from your family. How could you possibly take time to focus on your treatment when you have to take care of a family as well? The people in your life, whether it’s at work or home, depend on you every day in some form or fashion. Don’t you owe it to your kids, your spouse, even your coworkers to take treatment seriously? More importantly, don’t you owe it to yourself?
If you’re trying to squeeze in therapy and counseling and any medical care you may need stemming from your addiction in between family responsibilities or work, chances are you’re not giving 100% to your treatment. Addiction treatment is one of those things that has to be all in, or it just won’t be as effective. If you’re not focusing on these coping strategies or any of the self-esteem lifting techniques fo the bad days, you’re taking tools right out of your grasp that can make all the difference between a healthy, lasting recovery and a rollercoaster of relapse and treatment.
It’s okay to focus on your treatment, whether it’s inpatient or out. Taking the time to do treatment the right way and give yourself the effort your need will pay off far more in the long run than you may realize.
At The Springboard Center, we know that you and your family need a treatment provider you can trust. Incorporating the best of practices we have created a meaningful program to restore health and dignity with quality care and counseling. Call us today for information on how we are serving the Permian Basin: (432) 620-0255