How Do I Fill the Void After Rehab?
When you come to life after addiction rehab, you may discover that there are gaping holes in your life that feel like a bottomless pit. You likely struggle with low self-esteem or want to avoid those bad feelings, but that is a trap that got you into addiction in the first place. Drugs and alcohol are not going to fill [...]
How to Use Creative Writing to Beat Addiction
Writing is highly personal and writers get to choose to share or not share work. Lots of exercises can be structured about recovery but don’t have to be. Sometimes it is helpful to write about recovery yet others will struggle. Creative writing is tough at first but once you get into the swing of it, you may find it really [...]
What is Cyclical Depression?
Cyclical depression, or ‘recurrent depression,’ can occur, abate, and recur throughout a person’s life. It may be difficult to self-diagnose, since emotions shift. Cyclical depression can overlap with depression and anxiety that take other forms, even seasonal affective disorder (SAD). careful monitoring, especially with attention to co-occurring mental health and substance abuse diagnoses, is key to supporting someone with cyclical [...]
What Should I Know About Addiction and Borderline Personality Disorder?
The role of co-occurring mental health disorders in the development of addiction cannot be understated. Understanding mental health and how it relates to substance abuse is key to finding the right help for a long-term recovery. Learn more about addiction and borderline personality disorder. What is BPD? Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is difficult to understand. People with BPD are often [...]
Prepare for the Holidays with These Fun Sober Activities
Christmas is time to remember good times, enjoy festivities, and have fun. There are many things to get done and preparations to make but there are also plans to arrange that don’t have anything to do with drugs or alcohol. Finding sober fun can be hard at holiday time but it is possible. Decorate the House Decorating the home is [...]
Is There a Link Between Antisocial Personality Disorder and Addiction?
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), or ‘sociopathy,’ is a mental disorder characterized by a lack of empathy for others, especially with regards to their personal rights. Considering symptoms of ASPD involve violent activity, awareness is key to helping those with this disorder and addiction seek dual diagnosis treatment. Defining Antisocial Personality Disorder Despite extensive research, mental health experts are still unable [...]
Why Spirituality Can Help Recovery: Some Tips to Consider
Spirituality and recovery is often a hot topic in recovery circles because everyone approaches it from a different, very personal, angle. Experience, much like recovery and spirituality, all denote things depending on how a person views it. Everyone has experiences, but they all vary greatly. Much the same can be said with spirituality and recovery. Sum of the Parts Recovery [...]
Should I Plan a Sober Holiday?
Going away on holiday is important for people who are sober as much as anyone else. The reasons why people go on holiday sober are no different but the parameters may be different because sobriety is at risk at every turn. Figuring out a plan beforehand is key to ensuring lasting recovery and not risking relapse. Pick a Location Odds [...]
Embracing the Minimalist Trend: Why Less is More
Less is typically more, as the saying goes. It is easier said than done to embrace the minimalist trend because marketers want us to believe having more is better, not less. Buy more things to make you happy, buy more things to create the life you want. When it comes to living space, everyone is going smaller and more simplistic. [...]
Why Should You Keep Coming Back to AA?
There is true power in being with other people who are working the steps and seeking support in recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a group that provides a safe, non-judgmental space to grow and learn about yourself in sobriety. Find out more about AA and why you should keep going back for support. Someone Else Needs You Your story is [...]