Feedback is helpful information or constructive criticism about a person’s previous action or behavior in the hope of helping to improve performance for the next time.

This sounds beneficial, right? Anyone can benefit from feedback, and it provides the opportunity and information to help improve what someone’s doing. The fact is, when people hear that they’re going to get feedback on something they did, this is normally a huge stressor. Many people feel feedback, especially any criticism, as a personal insult, while others may simply brush it off. It can be far easier to criticize others than to hear it about ourselves, and this abrasiveness about the idea of needing improvement is detrimental.

Whether it’s positive or negative, effective feedback is valuable information for personal growth. It can help you come to terms with a problem, or encourage you to do what you believed you never could. The self awareness that you develop when you learn to receive feedback in a healthy way, and apply it, can be incredibly freeing.

Despite the many benefits of getting feedback, it can be hard to put yourself in a vulnerable position by inviting it. Often, we simply fear the truth, especially when addiction is involved. A problem we may deny may be addressed, or something you’d rather avoid may be brought up. While this can be painful, the more you ask for feedback in areas of your life, the less intimidating it becomes. It pays off to be brave, even if you might not like what you hear.

If you choose to ask for, or receive feedback from close friends or family members, there are some things you should think about, to help make sure it’s a constructive experience for you both.

  1. Listen – Really, truly listen to what they’re saying by doing one thing – not interrupting, and letting them talk, even when you want to disagree.
  2. Ask specifics – Make sure you understand exactly what they’re trying to say, even if you have to ask for clarification.
  3. Be grateful – For your family member or friend, it’s probably not easy for them to give you feedback about a part of your life, especially if it’s not positive. Even if it’s hard for you to hear, make sure they know you appreciate their help.

Feedback is what helps us continue to grow in our recovery. Recovery encourages us to commit to a life of growth, always evolving away from our alcoholism and toward a future of sobriety.





The Springboard Center knows that you and your family need quality treatment to make a full recovery in mind, body, spirit. Our 5-week program offers the Permian Basin area a treatment program to count on, providing the clinical expertise you need to find lifelong sobriety. Call us today for information: (432) 620-0255