How Do I Avoid Substituting Addiction?
Once you enter treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction, your hope is that you have overcome the compulsion to turn to your substance of choice. In recovery, you get to learn new coping skills [...]
Once you enter treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction, your hope is that you have overcome the compulsion to turn to your substance of choice. In recovery, you get to learn new coping skills [...]
When you prepare to enter inpatient drug or alcohol rehab, it is akin to thinking about going away to college. Getting the most out of both experiences requires pre-planning, preparation, and putting in a [...]
One of the first things people learn about staying sober is that there is a huge difference between dry versus sober. When a person quits drinking, they learn alot about themselves, whether they drank [...]
Groan, I know. As we approach 2020, more and more of our thoughts and topics tend to be about the new year that’s coming. Part of that can be something a large number of [...]
For many, the new year is a time to start fresh and develop healthy habits. With 2019 coming to a close and 2020 drawing near, it’s no wonder countless people are making sobriety their [...]
HOW TO REMAIN SUPPORTIVE AFTER TREATMENT If your friend decides to come back home after rehab, remember, this can be a bittersweet experience for him or her. It's about returning back to “normal” life and [...]
You have a close friend that struggles with alcoholism. You want to be a good friend and assist in any way you can. Feeling lost? Don't know where to start? You don’t know if you [...]
Writing is highly personal and writers get to choose to share or not share work. Lots of exercises can be structured about recovery but don’t have to be. Sometimes it is helpful to write about [...]
Methamphetamine is known as meth, crystal, fire, speed, and other names but it is all addictive and damaging to a person’s life. Amphetamines have negative ramifications on a person’s brain and central nervous system, making [...]
Marijuana is still largely illegal in many states but is widely accepted for personal and medicinal use. Smoking weed is treated like social drinking, except it is not necessarily a safe alternative to other substances. [...]