There are many ways to look at entering into remission from addiction and remaining in recovery. Many don’t seek outside help for various reasons, including finances and even fear. Spontaneous or natural remission is when a person quits on their own and is able to recover without help from interventionists or professional staff well-versed in addiction and recovery.
Natural Remission is Common
Most people who have a substance abuse disorder are able to overcome the addiction, with or without some help. People who smoke are likely to enter natural remission by quitting cold turkey. Addictions are less likely to be extremely damaging to health or deadly and even more likely to be left by the wayside. Excessive exercising, shopping, video gaming, and eating tend to be transient for most people. This aspect of addiction is lesser known to people who research it as to why these things happen, then fade away on their own without professional support.
How it Works
People who do not have a co-occurring mental health problem, like depression, and people who became addicted later in life, are more likely to be able to overcome addiction with natural remission because their brain was fully developed. Addiction is complex and nuanced. The possibility for a person to recover would have to do with the severity of the addiction, presence of trauma, and genetic factors. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment and there are many pathways to substance use and treatment.
How People Get Sober
People who get sober naturally realize that is is part of the human process to change. This can relate to any changes, like eating or exercising. It depends on the type of addiction, when it started, and longevity. The transtheoretical model of addiction recovery looks at people determining they want to do something about an issue and make an effort to that end. This includes a process that looks like this:
- Precontemplation: when a person is not really thinking about change yet
- Contemplation: something happens that tips the balance (a DUI, spouse, etc) and they begin to think about making changes
- Preparation: when people want to do something but are not sure what to do
- Action: deciding to do something and get on top of the issue
- Maintenance: finding a way to keep the process going in recovery
Things can change on their own, when people realize what they’re doing is not working for them. It may stop being fun and your relationships are suffering as a result of addiction. It is not recommended people try to quit cold turkey without speaking to a treating physician first because it may actually be dangerous, depending on the person and their addiction. It may also kick up mental health issues that need to be addressed. It may work for some people, but it is better to be safe than sorry and check in with people who understand addiction before trying to quit on their own.
The Springboard Center’s addiction treatment programs are tailored to meet the needs of each client. By utilizing a set of diverse methods of addiction treatment, we are able to deal with your addiction from all angles and concentrate on every aspect of your healing process. It is important to recognize that many of our services offer a group setting and environment, so that the client spends time with other people affected by the same chronic disease and problems. 432-620-0255