It is hard to know what to do when faced with your own addiction. It can feel like a series of failures, even if you recognize that you have a serious problem and need help. Perhaps your boss noticed the issue first or a family member confronted you. Perhaps you came to the end of yourself and realized the need for help. Whatever the case, you will be faced with the fact loved ones may have been harmed by the addiction. Here are some things you can do if this happens.


The challenge of facing one’s own addiction is that it is easy to get defensive. Maybe you told people you would not drink anymore or use drugs and relapsed. Even if you are able to function mostly normally on a daily basis, you may finally be realizing that the time for excuses has run out and you have to face those demons you have tried to hide for so long.

Tip: it is okay to feel what you feel about this in the moment. It is important not to self-shame or blame at this point. What you need is to recognize the consequences of your actions and face the idea you need help. There is no shame or blame in reaching out for help.


Living in denial is a common issue for people with addiction. It is tricky to face one’s own addiction because some of the time it is socially acceptable, like smoking weed with friends on occasion or having drinks with friends and family. The problem is not that you drink, it is that ‘a few’ may turn into ‘many’ and you may not realize drinking or drug use has gotten out of control. What is normal for you may be considered a bigger issue than you realize.

Tip: if loved ones have mentioned a drinking or drug problem and you blew them off or chose to ignore it, you may be in denial. This can be a serious problem but it can harm not only you but your loved ones. There is no shame or blame in asking for help. The challenge is recognizing a problem exists and seeking help for recovery.

The best thing you can do if you recognize drinking is a problem is to acknowledge the need for help. It may be painful to face the reality of addiction, but end of the day, it may ultimately lead to your ability to get help, recover, and become healthier as a result.

The Springboard Center’s addiction treatment programs are tailored to meet the needs of each client. By utilizing a set of diverse methods of addiction treatment, we are able to deal with your addiction from all angles and concentrate on every aspect of your healing process. It is important to recognize that many of our services offer a group setting and environment, so that the client spends time with other people affected by the same chronic disease and problems. 432-620-0255