Depending on your needs, options, and severity of drug and alcohol use, you can stay short-term or long-term in a residential treatment facility. Every treatment is unique to each person’s situation. Addiction to drugs and alcohol affects all areas of a person’s life. Treatment is part of the recovery process that rehabilitates and prepares the individual for a transition into a substance-free life.

A person can become physically and psychologically addicted to drugs and alcohol. Taking the steps toward sobriety is hard work and takes a lot of determination and support from family and friends. A longer stay in residential treatment may be more helpful. The process of recovery takes a long time because so many aspects of your life are affected.

Your Length of Stay in Residential Treatment

Every treatment varies from person to person. The type of drug, duration of use, and psychological and physical effects of a person’s addiction are taken into consideration when determining the length of stay in residential treatment. Some people in a residential treatment might need 30 days and others might need an extended stay. The type of treatment you need can influence the length of stay.

Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction can include group therapy sessions and individual counseling. Either way, a complete change in your mindset needs to occur in treatment. Group therapy allows you to listen to other people in treatment who could give insight into your addiction. Group therapy also helps by giving you the opportunity to listen to others in similar situations. For someone with an addiction to intense drugs, such as heroin or crack, a longer stay in treatment might be more beneficial than a shorter one.

Individual counseling gives you one-on-one time with a therapist who guides you through treatment and prepares you for a new sober life. Psychological issues or mental illness might also influence the length of stay at a treatment facility. Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and ADHD would also determine how long you stay at the residential treatment.

Recovery from addiction is different for every person. Do not base your length of stay on someone else’s treatment length. Addiction is unique for each person and an individual’s treatment should be tailored to his or her needs. Do not focus on the length of stay, but focus on recovery and your journey to substance-free living.


Treatment for addiction is the start of a new life. We know how important treatment is. That’s why we’re offering the best in our treatment programs at The Springboard Center. Call us today for information on our residential treatment programs in the Permian Basin: 432-620-0255